5. If it’s fun, you’ll learn faster
If you want to fast-track your learning, try injecting some fun, imaginative play into your approach.
According to research, when we learn through play we develop skills WAY faster than by rote repetition. Creating a new synapse in the brain may only require 10 to 20 repetitions if done playfully, compared to 400 repetitions without play:
Singing scales: add words, rhymes or tongue-twisters (this will improve your diction too!); or sing a cappella (unaccompanied) and take the scale on the road or out in the garden; or combine physical movement with your scales; or apply a new/different technique while you sing them; or make a playlist of all your scales and put them on random repeat to keep you on your toes; or play with different vocal styles; or…you get the idea!
Music theory: find some iPad apps, board games, card games, puzzles or make up your own games; or imagine that you are giving a speech or teaching a friend about a new musical concept; or turn a musical symbol and its definition into a work of art…
A spirit of play requires your permission to use your imagination and get a little bit ‘silly’, so be willing to take yourself LESS seriously, make some mistakes, and reap the rewards!