12. Identify your roadblocks & outsmart them
There are plenty of roadblocks as we travel through life. Our musical life is no different. The trick is to identify them as quickly as possible and make the necessary adjustments.
Are you being held back by musical symbols or terminology that you don’t understand? Make a step forward by asking your teacher to clarify the terms using language and examples that you DO understand.
Is there a new skill you are trying to apply but it’s not working? Perhaps there is a missing step you need to bridge the gap (and revive your mojo).
Did a conversation with someone make you feel like you know nothing, so now you’re wondering ‘why bother’? Firstly, acknowledge that the language of music is so vast you will never know it all, then figure out what areas you’d like be better informed in, and build that into your goals.
Don’t let the roadblocks become insurmountable. Use them as a learning tool to help direct your focus in a positive way and bring you closer to your goals. That, folks, is called inspiration!